Students Enlisted at Newburgh Public School #1 in 1873

Transcription was taken from standard "Ontario Public School Register" given out to teachers by the province in 1873.  The teacher indicated ages of the students in a column next to the student but not consistently.  Female and male students were listed on separate pages.  Lizzie wrote a few notes in the margins which are of interest as well.  These include:

Mrs P.S. Keller died 7th March  [that would be her mother]
Mr. Eakin's died 15th April buried 17th
C.B. died 19th of August
Mrs Files died 16th September
Teacher's Convention held Friday 24th October 1873 at Napanee
Everybody had a holiday for the County Show held October 9th

The original document has been placed with the Napanee Museum and Archive.  Thanks to Lizzie's grand-daughter, Lela, for keeping it all these years in such good condition and sharing it.  Due to the "Great Fire of 1887" in which most of the village burned including the Newburgh municipal offices along with 83 other buildings, there is very little documentation on Newburgh before that time which makes this a special find.

Newburgh Public School 1873
Attendance Records - Teacher - Elizabeth (Lizzie) Ann Keller 
Last Name First Name Jan/Mar 1873 Age Given Nov/Dec 1873 Age Given
Creighton Ellie 10 12
Caton Flora 8 9
Conway Melissa 9 10
Clapp Stella 9 9
Clapp Bertie 7 7
Creighton Cassie   14
Ashton Helena   8
Asselstine Katie 8 7
Burdett Lettie 8 9
Burdett Georgia 6 7
Bell Vicie   9
Dunn Bella 11 12
Empey Carrie 9 9
Gustin Kettie   8
Hope Marion 8 9
Hope Maggie 6 7
Hooper Annie 7 7
Hill Maggie 5 7
Jones Annie   8
Lestre Lorinda 11 14
Lestre Almira 10 12
Murphy Nellie   10
O'Hara Mary 7 7
Osborn Josephine 7 6
Powers Annie 11 11
Philp Bertha 6 6
Philp Florence 5 5
Roblin Minnie 7 8
Roblin Fannie 6 6
Shorey Libbie   10
Scott Emma   9
Scouten Aggie   9
Taylor Lora   7
Wells Florence 6 7
Watts Lottie 9 9
Haines Sarah   10
Murphy Lucy 5
Murphy Catherine 8
Daveron Hattie 9
Shetler Annie 10
Rombough Beatrice 7
Forsythe Jannette 9
Forsythe Kittie 7
Detlor Blanche 6
Allen Minnie 8
Dickinson Minnie 9
Taylor Panzy 5
Scouten Manda 7
Ruttan George Annie 5
Loucks Etta 7
Loucks Annie 5
Hope Ida 5
Hope M. Willie 5
Babcock Adelia 13
Connors Annie 13
Creighton Britania 10
McDonald Maud 7
Hooper Carrie 5
Cole Minnie 7
Carlin Bridget 15
Allen Henry 11 11
Ash Willie 6 6
Baker Willie   11
Baker Freddie 6 6
Bell Donnie 7 8
Bell Sterling 6 6
Burley Willie 11 11
Brisco Reuben 7 8
Caton Willie 9 10
Cook Walter   12
Conway Charles 11 12
Connors Abey   9
Davy Peter 9 10
Davy Joseph 5 5
Detlor Fully 10 11
Detlor Allen 6 6
Dickinson Frank 7 8
Fox Joel 13 13
Fox Willie 12 11
Hooper Duggie 10 10
Holmes Frankie 8 8
Lanfear Willie 6 7
Lowry Sammy   7
Monta Fred 13 14
Monta Charles 11 12
O'Hara Johnie 5 5
Powers Willie 11 8
Roblin Harry 9 10
Shibley Freddie 9 9
Soles Wesley 7 7
Soles Bennie 5 5
Shorey Paschal 7 6
Snider Lincoln 7 8
Sutton Alfred 12 13
Sutton Orlando 7 8
Steer Harry 9 10
Steer Albert 6 7
Snider Willie 5 6
Brisco Frank 5 5
Fox Sherley 8 7
Babcock Charles   9
Asselstine Johnie 7 8
Holmes Willie 5
Davern Johnie 7
Davern James 6
Shibley Johnie 7
Forsythe Willie 6
Gustin Smith 6
Cole Willie 12
Cole Henry 5
Smith George 9
Smith Willie 7
Weir Charlie 7
Conway George 7
Babcock Edward 7
Shorts George Albert 9
Beck Johnie 9
Sweet Johnie 11
Sweet Luther * 9
Beck Henry/Harry 6
McPherson Barzell 9
McPherson Wellington 7

*    Indicates student was not listed in the Jan/Mar attendance record.  The 30 % jump in attendance most likely explained by distances some of the children had to walk to school and the winter conditions.  As well, the school did burn in 1872 and that may have been a factor in the attendance.

Last Updated on 3/13/99
By Jim Keller